A Qigong system
as taught by Andy Henry

Online Clinic, Classes and Retreats 2025
Evening Class and Clinic
The online evening classes runs from Thursday 6th of February and continues every Thursday until Thursday 27 March.
All online clinics, classes and workshops are offered free to support those with financial difficulties. Donations for maintenance and upkeep are happily accepted and details on how to do so are given out on registration for any activities, or you can email Amyas on taijiwuxigonglondon1@gmail.com for details on how to do so.
Online Workshops and evening classes: Spring Term
Andy will be scheduling one online Saturday day workshop on March 1st. The online evening classes runs from Thursday 6th February and continues every Thursday until Thursday 27 March
Saturday - 01 March: Taijiwuxigong day workshop (Spanish Translation) Open to all.
You can save your place by emailing Amyas on taijiwuxigonglondon1@gmail.com
All online clinics, classes and workshops are offered free to support those with financial difficulties. Donations for maintenance and upkeep are happily accepted and details on how to do so are given out on registration for any activities, or you can email Amyas on taijiwuxigonglondon1@gmail.com for details on how to do so.
Online Program for 2025
Spring Term: 06 Feb - 27 Mar
Summer Term: 05 Jun - 31 Jul
Autumn /Winter Term: 02 Oct - 11 Dec
Saturday 01 March: Taijiwuxigong day workshop (Spanish translation available). Open to all.
Saturday 12 July: Taijiwuxiging day workshop (Portuguese translation available). Open to all.
Saturday 15 Nov: Taijiwuxigong day workshop (Spanish translation available). Open to all.
Sat-Sun 06-07 Dec : Meditation Retreat ( Portuguese and Spanish Translation available). Open to all.
You can save your place by emailing Amyas on taijiwuxigonglondon1@gmail.com
All online clinics, classes and workshops are offered free to support those with financial difficulties. Donations for maintenance and upkeep are happily accepted and details on how to do so are given out on registration for any activities, or you can email Amyas on taijiwuxigonglondon1@gmail.com for details on how to do so.